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4 Ways to Contribute To Plant a Tree Month

Throughout the month of August, we will be planting one tree for every sale in an effort to give back to our beautiful planet.

Plant A Tree

Planting trees in this constantly changing climate is what makes every individual engaged in the fight to preserve the environment and minimise pollution. It is very well and widely known that the trees are the source of clean, fresh, and breathable air. They are the base of the healthy life of all humans and animals. Without trees, life will not be possible.

In a world that is constantly experiencing different types of pollution, sustainability is another great thing that comes from trees. Going back to nature, using the trees and recycling delivers more durable and long-term products that significantly reduce waste.

As part of Reforest Now Australia, we at Rooh Collective are taking an active part in the Plant A Tree Initiative. Celebrating National Tree Day on August 1 is an excellent opportunity to do something truly beneficial and give back to the planet. Many individuals, as well as industries, are taking a more active part in preserving the environment. By planting a tree and supporting the initiative, each planted tree is a part of the sustainability initiative.

The change begins within each one of us. No matter how small, in the long term, the difference will be visible. With the idea to inspire, raise even bigger awareness, and motivate to make a difference in the environment, giving back comes in many different forms and options. If you are willing to take a more active part, here is how you can make your mark:

1. Plant a Tree

The best way to support the initiative is to plant a tree. Simply one tree can provide many essential benefits for our natural and built environment.

2. Create a Veggie Patch

Creating and sourcing your own vegetable garden, that will be completely organic is another excellent way to give back to the environment and support the Plant A Tree Initiative. Join with some neighbours and contribute to a community garden, or plant a few veggies in your own space - you'll be so happy to add these fresh ingredients to your home cooking! 

3. Grow Herbs

Another great option that is very practical, useful, and beneficial is growing herbs. The benefits of the herbs are very well known and this is a great way to make your contribution to a sustainable environment. It's easy to do in any home, add a small pot to your windowsill or have a few pot plants on your balcony.

4. Support Reforest Now

By becoming part of Reforest Now, you will have a direct insight into the work and the achieved goals of the organisation. Ether by donating or planting trees, and replanting Australia's forest is a wonderful way to celebrate National Tree Day and give back to Mother Earth.